Sunday, June 12, 2011

Bonus: Sauteed Kale & Beans with Onion and Garlic

...because I still have seven minutes until midnight arrives. (The post title doubles as a simple recipe.)

I discovered a few years back that kale is magic. The girls and I love it, John likes it, and it's extremely versatile. Plus, it's green!

We oven-roast it with olive oil and salt until it's crispy and irresistable, we toss it in soups, we add it to curries, and when we rejoice to find it growing in our not-yet-cleaned-out-from-last-fall-garden, we saute it like this

Loose ingredients for the above dish, which we ate as a meal.

- Onions, lots and lots of onions, diced and sauteed in a mixture of butter and olive oil until soft and translucent
- more fresh garlic than you think you should add, finely minced, added to the onions at the tail end for a minute or so (I probably used 7-8 cloves?)
- beans (your choice; we like pinto or white or kidney), added after the garlic is heated
- kale, torn into pieces, added last with some water, and sauteed/steamed until beginning to soften but not yet limp
- one slice of ham, leftover from the scalloped potatoes (that Papa baked) diced into tiny pieces
- salt and pepper, liberally shaken

(This is probably too obvious to mention, but by all that's good, if you've got bacon, USE BACON, too!)

Not to be a garden snoot, but a friend told me a few days ago that kale from the store tastes far different than home-grown. I've never had it from a store, but if you can, grow your own. Sow some today! It's easy and hardy and so, so delicious. Plus, it's green!


Abigail said...

Our garden has, of course, been cleared out for some time now.

Just thought those gardeners I horrified with my lack of clarity should know...

Molly said...

You have convinced me to make a trip out to our local Farmer's Market next Saturday and see if I can find Kale. My Dad has been after me for many years to try this veggie. He touts all of its benefits and it's loaded with goodness. I showed my husband this recipe tonight and he commented, "Oh, Wow!" Yes, we will be making this recipe, as well. Kale will be served in my home!!!

Molly said...

Well...I have a LOT to learn - and pay attention to! I'll have to go to the grocery store for the Kale. There won't be any at the Farmer's Market, too hot. Not sure what I was thinking. This fall though...LOOK OUT KALE SELLING FOLKS:-)

Abigail said...

The first time I had it was at my mom's house. She tore a bunch into pieces (sans stems) and tossed it in a bowl with a bit ofextra virgin olive oil and salt. Then she roasted it all in the oven until it was crispy. It doesn't take more than a few minutes before it begins to burn, so you have to keep a sharp eye on it. Then, when it comes out, it's the healthiest potato-chip-substitute one can find, and so yummy, to boot! The girls and I love to snack on kale this way because it's so fast and sooo good.

If you've got a few containers, you could even plant a few bunches of kale yourself! It doesn't take much tending, and, when cut, it grows right back similarly to lettuce. It can also be successively planted for a continual harvest. Of course, this is in MY climate. I don't know what 106 degree temps. would do to it!

I recommend the smaller, tender bunches of kale, too. They're sweeter then the big, tough ones. And if you hate it, blame your dad! :)

Molly said...

Hahahaha! After your great words of wisdom on all things,"Kale" I don't think I could dislike it!! But just in case I do...I'll blame dad;-) Seriously, thanks for the container idea. I really would like to try and grow it myself. I'll start the research on this. We wanted to plant a garden this past spring but with my chronic illness and then tonsillectomy, etc. the garden will need to wait until this fall. While I was home recovering our gracious neighbors kept us supplied with produce from their garden. The only thing I could eat were the potatoes - mashed and the green beans. Both very delicious! My husband had a great feast with the rest. I love homegrown food! And precious neighbors who take care of you:-)

Much love!

cadie said...

I love kale, too. Especially homegrown--it's so much better than store bought! I hope we get some kale from our garden this year, because right now, it's bug-eaten practically to pieces.